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Configure Squirrel webmail


The squirrelmail configuration is not difficult and well explained on the squirrel web site (


In openSUSE 13.1, Squirellmail is available in YaST, so no install problem. It's copied to htdocs/squirellmail.

Specific config

I don't want to have anything growing in the / partition, so I move any data repository to /home/data (my very large partition). Here there are two squirrelmail data directories, that probably do not ever become hudge (but for attachements, who knows?), data and attach. I locate them in /home/data//squirrellmail (so out of the web server normal access).

These folders have to be wwwrun:www (openSUSE apache2 user:group) and chmod 0733 (writable by anybody but readable by nobody). This makes it impossible for the web server to remove any of theses files. The config files (in data) are known name and can be overwritten, but not the attach files. If you think the attached files may become hudge, you may need a cron job to remove too big or too old files.

as of june 7, 2014

I got an error message saying that squirrel couldn't write to his data folder. Turns out to be sq asks now for data and attach files to be in the squirrelmail folder (or some other very restricted places).


Squirrelmail is a php script, so it's probably located in your web root. To be sure, look in /srv/www/htdocs :-).

This config is created by a perl script in your squirrel folder config subfolder


In this config utility, I only change the domain name (, for me) and the two data/attach folders (in "General Options").

Once configured, visit the page <squirellURL>/src/configtest.php to verify your config.

I had to add some php modules (gettext, mbstring, iconv). I don't find the recode module, but it don't seems necessary.

Memory limits

Squirrelmail is a php module, so depends on the php defaults. I had to change them a bit.

In /etc/php5/apache/php.ini, I changed

 memory_limit = 512M
 post_max_size = 80M
 upload_max_filesize = 200M

(it's nice to have much RAM and HDD size :-)

Testing the config

There is a file in the

 squirrel/src folder, names configtest.php that terst the config and gives clues. Have to be enabled in squirrelmail/config/config.php to be run.

 $allow_remote_configtest = false;

flase have to be changed by true (and this reverted after tests).