Configuring an IT WORKS TW891 for Linux
Installing and booting
See Doc.UEFIBoot, this computer is given as example for UEFI setup.
WIFI - network - internet
Tha internal wifi device is Realtek RTL8732BS which is not natively seen by Leap, so I had to use an usb/ethernet device (failing when hot) and A Dlink wiki usb dongle that works well (do not trust Leap yast when is says it can't configure it), but the config ask for the "iw" utility that have to be installed with any other mean (but may not be mandatory, don't know).
No Alt key!!
Build your own replacement "alt" key, e.g. logged in: use "bind" for bash, or hardcore: bind a kdb-scancode to a system-keycode.
Entry Point: Google: "linux console keyboard mapping"
udev solution, esp the second link:
> Hello, > > any chance to have the wifi card rtl-8732BS work with Leap? > right now it's not even seen by the kernel
There is a pretty good chance you can make it work. I think that chip is also used in e.g. the Intel Computestick, some tablets/pads and maybe the Minix Neo X7. I have an Intel Compute stick, it runs Ubuntu, so if it does have the rtl8732, it works. I'll check later today.
The Wifi chip is connected with SDIO, which is probably why you're not seeing it at all. (do we have an lssdio?) Maybe that is what you need focus on, getting SDIO to work in/with Leap.
Maybe some of these will be useful to you:
Windows 10
périphérique inconnu BCM4752: c'est le GPS. Un pilote compatible est ici:
Mais bien que non reconnu par Windows, il marche quand même avec certains logiciels.
Sur le site Intel, on peut télécharger un logiciel de découverte qui propose une mise à jour du pilote graphique. Mais toujours pas de Hdmi sur le mien!
Mon appareil consomme beaucoup, le chargeur 2A fourni avec est nécessaire, mon chargeur usuel, avec 5 sorties et 8A au total ne fournis pas assez, il se décharge même branché.